Spatial Experiences
The first step of this project was to create different modular configurations using cardboard. I first drew up some random shapes that I thought would be interesting and digitised them on illustrator so the shapes were polygonal. After cutting these out on card stock, I experimented with different configurations.
Module 1: Hexagon
Configuration 1

I created individual nodes with 3 total connections facing the same vertical direction and connected them together.
Configuration 2

Each shape has 1 connection. The configuration formed a helix pattern.
Module 2: Circle
Configuration 1

Configuration 2

Module 3: Rectangle
Configuration 1

Configuration 2

Assignment: Choose a verb and design a modular space that accommodates your chosen word.
Before I constructed my module, I experimented with a few different shapes to see which one I liked best.

I ended up settling on this three-pronged rounded shape that looked like a fidget spinner. I also added scores along each of its arms that would be folded to create dimension. I then experimented with different configurations and rules of assembly.

This is the configuration I ended up with. I focused on how I could add vertical height by facing my shapes in certain directions. I initially imagined by space as an urban installation that people could walk through. The Verb I chose for this context was explore.

Assignment: Develop your space with further consideration to light and colour.
This third structure is a slight variation of my second structure. I adjusted the size of each individual module so there would be less negative space.

I also spray painted one side of my shape with a metallic silver colour. I thought using two different colours for each side would create visual interest.

The context for my structure is urban green space. I was looking at images of geo-domes that had installation pieces that were similar to this form. Although the shape of my structure slightly reflects this, I don’t think I was able to capture it well in the light.My original structure had more vertical height and was assembled in a less systematic way .

The adjectives that I think would describe these spaces are Open, Sweeping, and Vast, so I chose that as my descriptive words. Most of these spaces are shown in bright, natural light.

For my final images, I was not very successful with light, because I was unable do find bright natural light during this time of day. However, I liked the colours created by the cardboard which created a neutral, natural tone. I tried to paint one side of my pieces silver to balance this out, but for my next iteration, I think I will make both sides the same colour.
Assignment: Show your space to people outside your cohort and ask about their interpretation of the space. Compare this to your initial ideas and intention.
Before asking for feedback, I decided to rearrange my modules and play around with the function and feel of my space. I haven’t been very happy with what I ended up with in the last few classes so I have been experimenting with a wide variety of ideas.
I also decided to paint my pieces two shades of beige. I thought this would go well with the nature theme of my original physical context and the organic shape of my module.

The feedback I got from my boyfriend and his family was really helpful in helping me reimagine the context of my space. They said that they liked how the neutral colours added to the natural theme of my structure, but that they interpreted the context of my space to be more towards an outdoors performance space. My boyfriend showed me this cool image of an outdoors performance space in Boston called the Hatch which I thought could serve as great contextual inspiration for my structure.

Based on this image, I did more research on other outdoor performance spaces.

The adjectives I chose for my space were Open, Warm, and Organic.
The verb I chose was Perform.
This is the structure I ended up with. Because I spent more time focusing on colour, scale, and context, I didn’t have enough time to focus on light, which will probably be my next step.

I experimented with two different scales for my contextual sketches. I think that I will do more exploration to see if there is a scale that exists between the two that I have sketched so far.

Assignment: Develop your space based on feedback from last class.
The biggest piece of feedback I got from Tuesday’s crit session was that my structure was too small which made the negative space seem too big relative to the scale of my people. For my final iteration, I added to the structure using another module of the same shape using the same rule. I was really happy with how this turned out so I settled on this as my final module.

To emphasise my physical context, I decided to place my structure on a platform (a book wrapped in white paper) to elevate it to recreate a stage area.
When lighting my structure, to create a warm and cozy feel, I used yellow string lights that I covered with tissue paper in order to diffuse the light to produce a soft glow. I didn’t cover the strip of lights in front of the stage in order to imitate the effect created by stage lights.

These were the photos I ended up with. I experimented with scale by adjusting the size of my people. I thought the second photo had the most appropriate scale. I imagine my space as being able to fit a small orchestra.
Final Images